All children and youth volunteers undergo careful vetting that includes an annual criminal background check.
A safe and caring nursery is provided for children aged 0-2 years during Sunday worship services. Parents sign children in and out of the nursery. Due to allergy concerns, parents do not bring food into the nursery
Children’s Worship
Children aged 3 years-1st grade attend the opening portion of Sunday morning worship. Then they are dismissed for a worship service especially designed for young children. Their worship includes singing, a Bible story narrated using objects and figuring, a creative response time and prayer. Parents and guardians pick up their children from the Children’s Worship area (located in the church basement) at the conclusion of the service.
Sunday School (K-12th grade)
Sunday school classes are held from 9:00-9:40 a.m. on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month, September-May.
Children’s Choir (K-5th grade)
Our children’s choir rehearses during the worship service for 4 weeks prior to singing in the worship service. They sing in the fall, at Christmas and in the spring.
Youth Group (5th-12th grade)
Young people gather twice a month from September-May. Special events include laser tag, bowling, whirly ball and service projects.